Prior to December, you have an opportunity to set the tone and the direction of the National Convention. By September 28, 1996, any legislation to be deliberated must be sent to the National Office for dissemination to the chapters. The legislation can run the gamut from changes to pledge standards to changes in the composition of the Board of Directors. It may be suggestions for our programs of emphasis for our service programs or it may be a suggestion for the next host city for a future National Convention. It may even be changes to the Toast Song to allow for more inclusive language. Whatever the legislation, it will be reviewed and discussed by your fellow members for final presentation to the voting body. This is the process that determines the future of our Fraternity.
To be able to participate in the voting and deliberative process though, you must be in attendance. So make your plans to be in Phoenix on December 27- 30, 1996, as more than 2,500 of our members gather and share in the fellowship that can only be our National Convention. Besides all of the educational events and leadership training sessions, there will of course be ample opportunities to meet and greet vour fellow members from around the country and around the world.
I recall my first national convention. My chapter chartered a bus to Denver, Colorado in 1972. Thus began what would be an unforgettable adventure. From meeting national officials like H. Roe Bartle, to staying up all night serving on a reference committee, to singing the Toast Song with over 1,000 voices it was an experience long to be remembered.
Do not pass up this chance to make your own
Alpha Phi Omega memories. I guarantee you will
be glad you participated. See you there!